
Cyber Safety Tips for Online Gaming

Cyber Safety Tips for Online Gaming

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen us turn to technology like never before; to communicate with friends and family, shop for all kinds of online purchases, and stream content to keep us entertained.

Gaming is another type of online content that has seen a massive uptake in users. Unfortunately, this means that this fun and social past-time has also become a massive target for hackers and cybercriminals.

Most of the time, players are unaware of the importance of cybersecurity in a gaming environment. Having knowledge of internet safety rules can significantly reduce the chances of getting hacked, as can installing trustworthy online security software.

Cybersafety Tips and Tricks for Online Gaming

Access and Download the Game through the Official Website: 

An official website is secure and provides encrypted access to your gaming account. Hackers often develop websites that look similar to the official website, in order to gain access to your login details. These websites can be identified if they direct you to another website after you have entered your details, or have a slight misspelling in the URL.

Change your Password with Each New Account:

Personal login information that ends up on the dark web cannot be removed, which is why it is incredibly important to regularly update and change your password. Not doing so makes you an easy target for cybercriminals, who are quite happy to try thousands of combinations of usernames and passwords until they get the right one. Change your account password every two months and save the details in a password manager.

Set Strong Passwords for your Accounts: 

Do not use simple, predictable passwords that are easily guessed and decoded. Use a combination of letters, symbols, and numbers to create a strong password. Never use personal information such as your name or date of birth as your password, as hackers will often try this when trying to gain access to accounts.

Multiple Layer Authentication: 

This technology is a fantastic tool that contributes greatly to the increased security of your online accounts. OTP, facial recognition, fingerprint scanning, and security questions all are part of the multi-layer security, and activating these mechanisms means that even if the hacker has your password, he cannot enter your account and access your personal information.

Do not respond to Suspicious Emails: 

Emails from gaming companies normally include details about new events and releases, not requests for your personal or financial details. Should you receive an email that you think looks suspicious, your best course of action is to mark the message as spam and delete it. If you think a hacker is attempting to impersonate a legitimate gaming company, consider also reaching out to that business to let them know.

Parental Control:

Children love playing online games, but it’s important that they do so in a supervised environment. Ensure you know what kind of games your children are playing, what information they need to provide to sign up, and explain to them the dangers of being online — not everyone wants to be their friend and there are cybercriminals out there who may try to trick them into handing over personal details.

Do Not Enter Card Details unless Required: 

Many games support in-app purchases of items, maps, and weapons. If you are planning to purchase them, make sure that the website provides a secure gateway. Never be tempted by suspicious websites providing cheaper downloads and always monitor your credit card statements for suspicious purchases

Do Not Share Your Password with Anyone:

In their quest to gain an all-time high score, players can be tempted to share their personal account details with others who promise to move them up the rankings. Do not be fooled by this tactic which is commonly utilised by hackers in disguise whose only goal is to steal personal and financial information. It’s simply not worth the risk for a few extra points.

Install Antivirus Software:

Reputable antivirus software will protect you from many of the online threats posed by the gaming world. This technology can alert you should a game contain damaging malware and can also let you know if a website containing “free game downloads” is in fact not secure and attempting to steal your financial information. Following these cyber safety tips and always remaining aware of current threats and dangers will ensure that your online gaming experience not only fun but safe and secure.

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