Finance and Money

How to Avoid Customs Charges from The USA to The UK

Avoid Customs Charges from The USA to The UK

As long as you know a few practical considerations, importing from the United States is not difficult. You may save money and time on your freight if you know how to avoid the common traps importers face when they need to export goods from the United States. Below to know more details that How to Avoid Customs Charges from the USA to the UK.

American VAT

Export from the US may be simple. Suppliers must incorporate American VAT if items are acquired in the United States and exported to Britain. Between 5.5 and 12 per cent is the range of the VAT in each state. When importing products from the United States to the United Kingdom, VAT is paid in the United Kingdom. This will answer how to avoid customs charges from the UK to the USA easily.

This means that if you are shipping from the US for business reasons, you need to be sure your supplier does not charge VAT on your shipment. Generally, if you pay VAT in the United States, you can’t seek a refund.

VAT and Customs Duty Tax when shipping from the USA

Because the United States is not a member of the European Union, a customs charge and a 20% VAT payment may be required. In addition to the method of transport used to bring the products into the nation, the items themselves and the place of origin all impact the VAT and duty rates.

Your imported items will not be released by UK customs until you have paid VAT and all tax rates. As time goes on, the process of importing tax USA to the UK is becoming less cumbersome and more straightforward.


Most products and services are taxed at a flat rate of 20%. All costs of packing, transportation, and insurance are included in the 20% price. Additionally, it contains any taxes that have been levied. Tariffs on imported goods Paying for shipping from the United Kingdom to the United States is essential if the goods are to arrive on time. Customs fees the UK to the USA is necessary to pay otherwise the product won’t reach on time.


If the value of your imports from the United States exceeds £135.00, you will be subject to Customs Amount, unless the duty is less than £7.00. Value, origin, and classification of commodities are all taken into account while determining tariff rates (among other considerations). Import duty from the UK to the USA is different as per product.

An American carpet, for example, would need to calculate the complete cost of importation into the United Kingdom, including shipping and customs duties (transport, insurance etc.). In order to calculate the duty that must be paid, you first need to figure out the entire worth of the goods. Importing a carpet from the United States has an 8% charge. Custom charges from the USA to the UK can be reduced if practical things are applied.

Air or Sea from the USA to the UK

Sea or air freight may be used to transport goods from the United States to the United Kingdom. The size and weight of the cargo and the length of time available for transit are the most important concerns.

Shipping by sea from the United States may take three to six weeks, depending on the point of origin. Shipping from the East Coast to the West Coast may take anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks, while shipping from the West Coast to the East Coast can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks. It takes time to move products from suppliers to ports, which may take anything from one day to a week via freight train. A few days after they arrive in the UK through sea freight, the products may usually be delivered to your doorstep.

It may take as little as two days for air freight from the United States or as long as ten days or more, depending on how soon you want it and how much you want to spend. One common kind of air freight is that of an airline; the other type of air freight is a private courier service, such as FedEx or UPS or DHL. The most cost-effective mode of transportation is determined in large part by the dimensions and weight of your shipment.

Airfreight is frequently the most cost-effective alternative for shipments of up to 2 cubic metres or 300 kg if your supplier in the United States requires that you handle the cargo yourself. Airfreight is an excellent choice for goods weighing less than 1 cubic metre or 150 kilogrammes if you are solely responsible for transportation from the closest port or airport. If the product’s weight changes, the import tariffs from the UK to the USA will also vary. Import duties from the UK to the USA will change if product weight varies. 

Prices of freight from the USA

The cost of inland transportation by rail and truck in the United States is high since the nation is so huge. Depending on whether you need to ship from the supplier’s location or just from a nearby port or airport, this might substantially influence freight prices from the United States. Even if you’ve decided on the latter, you should be aware that it might come from warehouse hundreds of kilometres away in the interior.

You may, for example, use words like “FOB Denver, Colorado,” with Denver being 1,600 kilometres from the closest port in Los Angeles. There are additional charges associated with flying from Denver to Los Angeles and then to the UK in this scenario.

Packages from the USA

There is a huge discrepancy between what is advertised and what is charged by big customers when it comes to courier services. Rather than dealing directly with a courier firm when shipping items from the United States and need them to arrive quickly, consider using a freight forwarder or searching for and booking transport. As a bonus, you’ll get the same quick shipment as with the large account contract.

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