
How to Break the Candy Cane Knife in Valorant

How to Break the Candy Cane Knife in Valorant

There are some bundles that are great fun and just give hours of entertainment. When the Winter Wonderland skin collection dropped, this just seemed like a fun collection of random weapons. We’d run around with a huge, oversized, rainbow-colored candy cane, and yet somehow, we’d still win.

Then the rumors started to hit about an easter egg within the bundle. Some people managed to break the candy cane and create a knife. But we never saw one in action. It became a bit of a myth until we found the way.

How to Unlock the Knife

The knife itself isn’t in the Winter Wonderland skin bundle. To get to the knife, you have to work through the candy cane. It seems that the designers had a bit of imagination when they created the candy cane and added in this little easter egg, If you start with the candy cane, we can sharpen it up on the walls or the barriers. All we need to do is to stab them for long enough.

It’s going to be easiest to do right at the start of the rounds. When you’re under the least amount of pressure. Find a wall or a barrier and stab away, the cane will not wear down visually, but it will change and become a sharp dagger.

You’ll keep hold of the dagger for the whole of that half of the game. Then if you need it again, just go ahead and stab some more walls.

No One Else Sees It

We wondered why we hadn’t seen anyone else walking around the dagger, as we’d spent a long time looking for it. Then we saw on that the dagger easter egg is limited to only the first-person perspective. The game makers didn’t invest too much time into this small amusement and left the third-person perspective as the default in the game. They even left all other animations on the dagger as the defaults. So, it was not a huge project.

We like to think of the dagger as an easter egg that got put in and no one but that one coder knew about it. They didn’t get to spend days designing it but did manage to sneak it into the game.

Does It Go Another Level

You know if we were offered one easter egg, we’d immediately look for another one. So we thought we would save you a lot of time and effort by letting you know that the knife is the end of it.
No matter how many times we stabbed almost everything, the knife didn’t change. It’s the end of the road. We spent hours in Valorant, just walking up to different objects and walls, just in the hope that something would happen. We aren’t even sure what we really want to happen, just something we guess.  

The candy cane knife is a great little easter egg, which is worth playing with a few times but rest assured you won’t break it down into anything else

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