How To Change a Furnace Filter and Why It’s Important

Maintaining a comfortable and safe indoor environment is essential for a healthy home. To ensure this, it is of utmost importance to regularly change the furnace filter. Not only will this help to keep your home’s air clean, but it will also help to increase the efficiency of your furnace, ensuring that it runs smoothly and safely throughout the season.
knowing the size of your filter and the right type is essential to making sure that you are purchasing the appropriate one. Sizes such as 16x25x1 furnace filter, 20x20x1 furnace filter, 16x20x1 furnace filter, and even larger ones.
Here are some simple tips for changing a furnace filter
Identify the Type of Filter Needed for Your System
The type of filter required depends on the make and model of your furnace and the size of your filter slot. It is important to check your user manual to ensure that you purchase the right replacement filter. Additionally, some filters are disposable, while others are reusable. Be sure to check the product packaging for this information as well.
Locate the Filter Within the System
The second step to changing the furnace filter is to locate the filter within the system. This will vary depending on the type of furnace you have, so be sure to check your furnace manual or contact a professional for assistance.
Remove the Old Filter and Dispose of It Properly
Take special care to avoid touching the filter with your hands as you remove it. This is important because the filter may contain dust and other particles that can be hazardous to your health if inhaled. Once the old filter is removed, dispose of it safely and ensure it is recycled if possible.
Insert the New Filter Correctly
It is important to ensure that the filter is inserted the correct way, as indicated by the arrows on the sides of the filter. Be sure to line up the sides of the filter with the arrows on the sides of the filter housing. Once the filter is in place, firmly press the edges to ensure a secure fit. You should also check that the filter has been properly sealed against the housing, as any air leakage will decrease the efficiency of your furnace.
Regularly Check and Replace the Furnace Filter as Needed
Once you have installed a new furnace filter, it is important to regularly check it to ensure it is clean and working properly. Depending on the filter, you should check it once a month, if not more often.
To check the filter, simply remove it from the furnace and hold it up to the light. If it is clogged with dirt and dust particles, it needs to be replaced. Doing this regularly will help keep your furnace running efficiently, and it will reduce the risk of dust and dirt entering your home.
Changing your furnace filter is a simple and important task that can make a big difference in your home’s air quality. It’s easy to do, doesn’t require any special skills, and can be done in a few minutes. Additionally, changing the filter regularly will help keep your furnace running smoothly, thus saving you money on costly repairs or replacements. Taking the time to change your filter frequently can help you breathe easier and save you money in the long run.