Top Cloud Security Issues & How to Deal With Them

Thanks to cloud computing, companies now have the option to offload IT tasks to someone else. But security is a big topic in this discussion. There are a few top cloud security issues you need to know about to keep your business safe.
I will also tell you about ways you can deal with them. While security issues might be overcome by following best practices, you need to ensure your team understands the importance of security in the cloud. That is why you need to be aware of, a cloud-native application security testing to detect top cloud security issues & how to deal with them.
What You Should Care About Security in the Cloud?
As technology and the digital landscape have evolved, so have security threats. As a result, many companies are opting for cloud services like IaaS, SaaS, and more.
Although top cloud providers like Amazon S3 follow best security practices, it is also very important for businesses using these services to do their part. When dealing with your customer’s data, you need to be mindful of how they are stored.
You also need to keep tabs on who can access them. Failing to do so can result in serious compliance and governance risks. Moreover, it can be very expensive to deal with security breaches.
Company goodwill will also take a hit. That is why it is crucial to understand how your cloud services and infrastructure is set up and what security challenges they pose.
5 Cloud Securities Issues and How to Deal with Them
Cloud computing and services are one of the fastest-growing fields. It allows businesses to offload many of the menial and complicated IT tasks. In addition, it gives you scalability when using the right service for the job.
However, there are some security issues you need to know about. More important than knowing about these issues, you must also understand how to mitigate such risks.
1. Unauthorized Access of Data in the Cloud
One of the biggest security threats posing modern cloud computing and services is unauthorized data access. All businesses need to handle a lot of sensitive data.
You have your customer’s data, the company’s data, and more. And if you offer a paid service, you might also have your customer’s banking information. All of these need to be kept securely and away from the hands of bad actors.
A data governance system should be there that can manage data access and revoke access if needed. Regular monitoring is also very important. If something happens to slip through the cracks, monitoring the data will help uncover any suspicious activity.
Third-party software can help too. Unfortunately, there is much software that can pull data like users, their privileges, and more. This is where your security team comes in. Your team should monitor this data and check for suspicious activity.
2. Misconfiguration
Cloud misconfiguration is one of those issues that can be solved with careful practices. Unfortunately, many enterprises suffer from some form of misconfiguration. And these can lead to dire security vulnerabilities.
It could lead to vulnerabilities even if you are working with a trusted platform. Some common problems could be better managed, for example, permission controls, weak default passwords, and lack of encryption.
A simple fix for misconfiguration is to know your cloud platform intimately. Then, you can tinker around in the settings and see what features it provides. Security features included.
Moreover, remember to do regular audits. It might not stay that way even if you took a long time to ensure your configuration was perfect. Regular audits help you catch any vulnerabilities before they become major issues.
As an added layer of security, you should also regularly check credentials. For example, see who has access to your cloud platforms. Setting up two-factor authentication is a must as well.
3. Threats from Inside Your Organization
It is unfortunate but true. One of the biggest weaknesses could be the people working in your company. Security threats within the organization are a very real issue.
Knowingly or unknowingly, employees might open themselves up (and your organization) to security mishaps. However, there are some proven ways you can handle this issue.
Nothing beats awareness. Employees need to be aware of the different security vulnerabilities. You need to educate employees about the importance of security and how they can keep themselves secure.
Do understand that even if an employee exposes your organization to a security breach, it is most likely unintentional. That is why proper training in phishing and social engineering is very important.
4. DDoS
DDoS can cripple any cloud infrastructure if proper measures are not taken against it. DDoS stands for Distributed Denial of Service. In essence, it is an attack that overloads servers with phony requests. As a result, the servers lock up, rendering the service unusable.
These attacks can be very costly to fix. Moreover, large systems that suffered complicated DDoS attacks could be down for days. However, sophisticated software that protects systems from DDoS attacks can help.
It can scan networks and identify any potential threats. Apart from protection software, ensure you have enough bandwidth to handle a DDoS attack.
Excess bandwidth can be a last safety net when other security barriers fail to stop an attack. The hackers will need to overload many servers to be successful. And that will at least make things difficult and slow them down.
5. API Vulnerabilities
APIs are how different systems talk to each other. It stands for Application Programming Interface. APIs provide a lot of benefits to organizations. in doing so, it could also introduce security loopholes into the system. APIs need direct access to systems they connect and work with. And that is when all kinds of security mishaps can happen. To prevent API security breaches, ensure you use proper encryption.
SSL is the industry standard. It allows systems to establish a secure connection and mitigates some risks. But SSL alone is not enough. You should also have robust authentication checks and systems to ensure no bad actors get access. only relay information to other APIs that are secure themselves. Your APIs might be rock solid. But if you use other APIs that don’t follow best practices, then you open yourself up to security issues.
Wrapping Up
Security should be your number one priority when it comes to cloud computing. The long-term implications of a breach can be very damaging – both financially and to your company’s goodwill. That is why you should always use a secure platform and ensure all security best practices are followed.