How to Connect Website or Blog to Google Analytics and Google Webmaster

Have you recently launched a WordPress site? Are you looking for a free way to figure out how much traffic your WordPress blog gets?
Have you heard of Google Analytics and Google Webmasters Tools for tracking a website’s traffic and benefits? Or probably you don’t know how to incorporate Google Analytics and Webmasters into your WordPress site.
If the following are your specific criteria, you’ve come to the appropriate location to understand everything you want to know about WordPress. Let me start with the basics to see how important it is to install Google Analytics and Google Webmaster on your WordPress blogs.
Google Analytics: What Exactly Is It and How Does GA Work?
Google Analytics lets you contemplate your website’s traffic and understand your audience’s aspect, including where they arrive from, how they got to your site, how they utilize it, your best-performing blog articles, and much extra.
It’s a free online application forum that Google launched in 2005. Many organizations have already elevated to the premium edition to comprehend their business statistics adequately. Google Analytics and Google Webmaster help with On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO such as indexing the website, Link audit and Link Building etc.
What Are Google Analytics’ Advantages?
Google Analytics is a continually used tool on the Internet for verifying the traffic and accomplishment of a website because it delivers both tracking and website traffic summaries.
The reasons for implementing Google Analytics on WordPress are summarized below.
- You can figure out where your intended audience is emerging from (along with their nation and visits). It’s simple to locate your target audience.
- You can infer which blog entries are navigating the most traffic to your blog from search engines.
- You may also identify which pages produce the most conversions.
- You may also crack which material gets the most clicks and utilize that evidence to develop pertinent data for that content.
- Do you want to understand which pages are giving you terrible results? With Analytics, you can accomplish this.
- You can keep records of where your readers originate from and which web pages they depart.
- You may also keep track of your website’s real-time traffic and load time.
- You may evaluate your website traffic over time and specify the terms that drive visits.
Altogether, Google Analytics gives a wealth of data better to comprehend your audience’s needs and desires. The best part is that it’s completely free, and it’s also available as an app on the Google Play Store and iTunes.
Let’s look at the Google Webmaster Tools details now!
Google Webmaster Tools was the previous name for Google Search Console. It’s a free Google tool that shows website owners how well their site performs in organic search results.
You can evaluate numerous accomplishment data once you’ve associated your website with your Google Search Console account. You never know when your site will be criticized by Google or have hardships with indexing.
Webmaster tools appear helpful in this circumstance. You can carefully evaluate what’s going on with your WordPress sites by checking your Google webmasters tools regularly.
If you’re still not explicit that you should start using Google Webmaster Tools, consider the following purposes.
- You can quickly locate the most popular search terms for your WordPress sites.
- You’ll be eligible to see all of the crawling problems that your site may have.
- You can find links to your websites on this page.
- You can promptly find all of your site’s top-performing keywords.
- You may also use sitemaps to enable Google to trudge your website’s contents more shortly whenever you make changes.
How Do I Integrate Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools With WordPress?
● Step.1
To proceed, click the Admin tab after you’ve registered a free Google Analytics account.
● Step. 2
Now, click on “Create New Account.”
● Step. 3
Complete all of your website’s details and again click “Get Tracking ID.”
● Step. 4
The Google Analytics tracking code must be installed at this stage.
● Step.5
In this final stage, we suggest installing Google Analytics For WordPress, the best WordPress Google Analytics plugin.
Enter your analytics code in the plugin settings. You only copy and paste the tracking code from your website.
Connect Google Analytics to WordPress Site and Blog.
1.Plugin for Google Analyticator
You can also utilize the Google Analyticator plugin to acquire Google Analytics for WordPress.
2. Install Google Analytics Without Using A Plugin
If you don’t like to utilize a plugin and instead expect to add Analytics code straight to your theme, there are two modest methods you may employ!
- In the WordPress Dashboard, go to Appearance > Editor.
Include your Google Analytics code either before or after the /head> tag.
It’s a simple way, but remember to re-add if your site’s theme changes.
- Go to Appearance > Editor > functions.php in the WordPress Dashboard (Theme Functions on Right Side)
Add the following code now.
<?php add_action(‘wp_footer’, ‘add_google_analytics’);
function add_google_analytics() { ?>
// Add Google Analytics code here
<?php } ?>
Your site will be inaccessible if you create any PHP syntax errors. So, when modifying the functions.php file, be critical and add the crucial codes.
3. Get the Most Up-to-Date Premium WordPress Theme
Web and theme originators are knowledgeable in today’s better technology globe, and they expect to generate creative things for web admins to organize tech items with relaxation.
Indeed, they provide a place in the WordPress theme options to add Google Analytics code. Paste the GA codes into the theme settings and click “Save Changes.”
To integrate Google Analytics with WordPress, you don’t need to install a plugin or alter any files with the most current premium WordPress themes.
How Do You Add Google Webmaster Tools To WordPress Site?
- 1st step:
To begin, go to Google Webmasters Tools and login in with your Gmail account data. It will oversee you to the search console after you sign in.
- Step 2:
While in the search console, go to the right side and click on “Add a property,” which will unlock a dialogue box where you can attain your website’s URL; furthermore, click “Add.”
- Step 3:
Google Webmaster Tools will demand you to validate your website ownership in this third step. The easiest way to validate it is to add the meta tag provided by it to your website.
- Step 4:
Here’s where WordPress SEO by Yoast, one of the many (free) SEO plugins, comes in helpful.
When you inaugurate it and go to the plugin settings, you’ll see an alternative for Google webmaster tools.
SEO > Dashboard > Webmaster Tools
You must paste your Google meta tag and save it under Google Search Control.
- Step 5:
Once you’ve finalized the earlier steps, return to Google Webmaster Tools and connect the “verify” button to verify your website’s ownership.
Finally, you’ve successfully added Google Webmasters Tools to your site, and it’ll warn you if there are any crawling or different problems.
Here Are Few Most Asked Quarries:
1.How would I provide someone admission to my Google Analytics data?
You don’t have to offer someone who wants access to your Google Analytics data your Google account details. Under the Account, Property (website), or View you want someone to see, go to your Admin menu and pick the User Management menu.
Then, along with the permissions you want them to have, you may input the email addresses of anyone you wish to have access to your Google Analytics data.
2. Explain the Custom Reports, Dashboards, and Segments?
Custom Reports, Segment, and Dashboards are the path to go if you’re willing to take your Google Analytics to the successive sector.
Custom Reports (under the Customization tab at the top) let you put together reports that look like regular Google Analytics reports but include the metrics you want to see.
Dashboards permit you to perceive your Google Analytics data in a dashboard configuration. They’re organized near the left sidebar’s top.
Segments enable you to perceive all of your Google Analytics data founded on an extra dimension. They can also correlate up to four data segments, such as the US and the UK.
The best part is that you don’t have to start from scratch with these. Start by utilizing the Google Solutions Gallery’s pre-defined Custom Reports, Dashboards, and Segments.
There are numerous Dashboards, Custom Reports, Segments, and other explanations that you can receive in Google Analytics and customize to fulfill your particular necessities. Custom Reports can be revised using the Edit button at the top of the page.
Install Google Analytics and Google Webmaster to your WordPress blog if you crave to figure out where your audience is situated and what they’re looking for.
Incorporating Google Analytics and Webmasters Tools on your WordPress website authorizes you to find crawl problems, your best-performing keywords, prime pages, high-converting landing pages, and many more.
The most significant part of utilizing these two platforms is that they are free, and a wide range of bloggers and internet marketers opt for them across the globe. We expect you’ve figured out “how to install Google Analytics to WordPress?” and how to use Webmasters Tools on your WordPress site.