
5 Tips for Improving Your Web Design Pitch for Important Clients

Improving Web Design Pitch for Clients

There’s a definite sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when you land a new web design client after successfully presenting your services. However, pitching your web design services is not easy and the level of complexity varies depending on who you need to pitch to. Big corporations, middle-sized ones, and individuals all require a different pitch.

There are specific nuances such as research, preparation, and confidence that must be taken into consideration. In addition to outside challenges that might affect your success. The process can be worrying, particularly when pitching to important clients, and its success depends on multiple factors. So, go through our pitching tips to increase your chances of landing a web design job with an important client.

Tips to Improve Website Designing Pitches for Clients

1. Create a Personalized Pitch Proposal and Send It to Them

Shortly introduce who you are, who you’ve worked for in the past, and why you want them to hire you. Offer a link to your portfolio and provide some mind-boggling statistics from your previous projects.

If you don’t have statistics of your own yet, you can draw their attention with statistics essential for their situation, like – ‘Over 60% of all website traffic comes from mobile devices. But, your website isn’t mobile-friendly, according to Google. Let’s arrange a short call to talk.”

Just don’t dwell too much on what’s improper with their website. Finish with a positive note and then offer a simple way to schedule a free disclosure call. You can also use proposal software to get an already-written website proposal template to help you pitch your design and development services. Every day, more and more marketing agencies and freelancers have started to use business proposal software to approach potential clients and convince them to choose their services over their competitors. 

2. Make Your Portfolio the Strongest It Can Be

You can’t simply talk your way into a contract with a significant web design client. You must give them proof of how good your services are. Besides providing your portfolio with an outstanding design, you need to show the before-and-after story to potential clients. That way, they can see how you’ve modified previous sites into powerful sales engines.

Furthermore, make companion case studies for your best-performing projects and use those statistics to show what kind of results you deliver. Last, but not least you need to update your portfolio with your latest projects.

3. Be Prepared for the Disclosure Call

Before you get on a call with your prospect, conduct your research. For example:

  • Who you are speaking to – The decision-maker? A mediator? The owner?
  • What are your thoughts (positive and negative) on their current website?
  • Who are their competitors and how is the prospect being defeated by them?

You should predict their needs, address their current challenges, and offer certain ideas for their new website. Although it’s crucial to take control so they don’t get a feeling they can steamroll right over you, it’s also crucial to stop and listen. Prepare questions about their business, where things aren’t working as effectively, what their performance is in respect of KPIs, etc.

4. Have a Solid Process in Position

To persuade a top player to pay for your web design services, you mustn’t show any sign of disorganization or uncertainty. So, the best way to do that is to get organized. Create a prospecting process template in your project management system. Use personalized email templates for prospecting that follow up after the disclosure call, and provide crucial project documents.

The best way to do this is to utilize automation to streamline all interactions. Use templates for crucial documents such as the website summary, contract, and website survey so you can quickly fill out customer details and send them to your prospect. Always respond within 24 hours, so they understand you got everything under control. If you want them to consider you as a professional, straighten your processes.

5. Talk to Prospects in Their Own Language

When you’re talking to prospects about website caching, user journey mapping, or prototyping, they won’t understand what exactly you’re talking about. The best way to turn prospects into clients is to speak their language.

So, minimize the tech talk and, instead, concentrate on the ROI. In the end, that’s what they’re paying for. Explain what a good website can do for them, and start talking about your vision for their website.

Just ensure you don’t over-promise. You don’t want prospects to think they can make thousands of dollars a day the second you launch their website. Show optimism about the website’s future without overdoing it.


If you are in the web design service sector, you know how important your sales pitch is. So, follow all the tips we mentioned above when pitching important clients.

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