5 Perks Modern Employees Want The Most

COVID-19 made it hard for companies to survive financially. However, it also brought some challenges in the hiring field. People loved the idea of remote work, so it became even more tricky for organizations to return to the workflow they had before the pandemic. Thanks to the popularity of remote work and the increasing number of freelancers, companies struggle with finding quality specialists.
Therefore, now they have to change some policies and adapt to modern realities. One thing they must consider is providing a vast range of benefits to attract the best talents. While most companies offer employees vacation and various events, it isn’t enough now. We created this article to help you learn what perks modern employees want the most, which will allow you to hire top-notch specialists to the team.
1. Care and Appreciation
Modern employees know their value. They can easily move to another workplace if they don’t like conditions or start freelance as a go-to option for most today. That is why organizations should show care and appreciation from the very first day, which not only increases the chances of hiring the best experts but also keeps the team satisfied and productive.
The need for care and appreciation only increases as offices shift to hybrid work models, leaving employees in social isolation and making it harder for them to feel their value. Therefore, you can create a package of gifts and present them to new employees. These bags can contain various things but usually have brand t-shirts, items, coupons, certificates, and so on. Give these bags to employees that have worked for 1, 2, and more years as an appreciation gift. You can order employee gift boxes from Swag Bar to show your appreciation and make them feel welcome in the company.
2. Wellness Program
Since 2019, people have started to consider wellness an essential factor in their lives. Wellness and physical and mental health are vital for modern employees, so they like to have a work-life balance, exercise, and sleep. Besides offering a flexible working schedule, you can also create programs that will be designed to improve the overall well-being of your teams.
For instance, mosaichealth.io offers a simple health cover that can help you take better care of your employees. You can also hire a psychologist to help employees share their thoughts and feel better at work and in life. There are many ways you can take care of employees’ well-being, so choose one that suits you best.
3. Discounts and Rewards
Today’s workers need more than just a maxed-out salary. They want growth in the company and roles that allow them to have a certain kind of lifestyle, which is why benefits like discounts and rewards are more important than ever. In fact, this desire is so strong that one study found that over 80% of employees want benefits and rewards more than they want a pay raise.
That’s why companies partner with various services and stores to offer employees the best discounts. For example, some organizations offer discounts for spa sessions and shopping. Employees get discounts on everything from restaurants to fitness and retail — this allows them to feel better about their work and also leads to higher productivity.
4. Office Perks
Even though some companies found that remote work is an excellent choice for their business, most get back to office work. However, they usually offer flexible working conditions since employees don’t like companies without this opportunity. But office workers can’t be the same now. Modern employees need more perks to work from the office.
There are many ways you can make office work more engaging. Create a cozy atmosphere with a kitchen where employees can take food when they want. Provide devices and organize working places the way employees want. Make it possible for them to relax in a sleeping room at the office.
5. Paid Parental Leave
Our world cares about people. Besides diversity in the workplace, companies also offer paid leave for women during their period. And one of the new things that new companies can offer is parental leave. Even though there has always been maternity leave, now people understand that working men may also need time to welcome a new family member and take care of the baby.
In times of diversity and equality, it is now more important than ever to provide the same opportunities and benefits for both men and women. This way, you will be able to show employees that you take care of their health, wellness, and family life as well.
Final Thoughts
Running a modern business is a tricky question. Finding specialists can also become a tough task for most, so companies need to consider the best perks they can offer to attract specialists and boost their business processes. Here we collected five best benefits modern employees want to see in their company.