
12 Practices That May Negatively Affect Your Smartphone’s Lifespan

Practices That May Negatively Affect Your Smartphone's Lifespan

Much of the world is now highly dependent on smartphones. And with 93.9% of its population having at least one smartphone, Singapore is, perhaps, one of the most smartphone-dependent places on Earth. Many people are so dependent on these devices that being offline for just a few minutes can cause major inconvenience and anxiety. If you’ve owned a phone with an outdated processor or a short-lived battery, you know how troublesome things could get, especially now when so many services that we take for granted have to be facilitated over mobile phones.

Many of us unknowingly engage in practices that can significantly reduce the lifespan of our critical or should we say beloved devices. To ensure your smartphone stays in optimal condition for as long as possible, you should most certainly avoid these practices, especially the following.

Common Mistakes That Affect Smartphones Life

1. Buying the Cheapest Possible Phones

While dirt-cheap smartphones will get the job done, they’re usually affordable because they use low-performance hardware and previous-generation technologies. With mobile app requirements increasing each year, you might find that your Uber-cheap phone will only be serviceable for a year or two. A phone with flagship or mid-range specs, on the other hand, might still be usable after 5 to 10 years, as it will often have enough power to handle future requirements. 

Of course, choosing a phone that hits the sweet spot in terms of price and longevity can be tough. To make the process easier, it’s a good idea to check out a local metasearch engine that shows you the best value mobile phones Singapore has to offer.

2. Excessive Charging

Overcharging your smartphone can strain the battery, leading to reduced battery life over time. Fortunately, this is much less of an issue on most modern phones, thanks to advances in battery management technology. If your device is something that needs to be permanently part of a workstation or if you always have a power bank handy, then this may be a non-issue. However, if you’re like most people and need to frequently use your phone outside, it’s best to unplug your device once it reaches a full charge or use battery-saving features to prevent overcharging.

3. Extreme Temperatures

Some phone components can degrade when exposed to extreme temperatures. In Singapore, phones get damaged every day due to them getting left in hot cars and getting frequently exposed to direct sunlight. While these situations are often unavoidable in our climate, keeping your device at a comfortable room temperature should help increase its longevity.

4. Ignoring Software Updates

Some people will advocate against regular updates because a lot of apps will add bulk and hog your phone’s storage for no real benefit. While this is true in many cases, most legitimate software updates include bug fixes, security patches, and performance improvements. Neglecting these updates can leave your smartphone vulnerable to malware, which may result in slower performance and compromise your data.

5. Exposing to Liquid or Moisture 

Accidental spills or exposing your smartphone to liquids can corrode and shorten its components, causing irreversible damage. Worse still, moisture damage is far more of a risk than you might think.

While you’re probably not taking your phone with you to the shower, you may be unwittingly exposing it to sweat and moisture when you leave it in the kitchen, commute on a hot day, or when you take it with you to the gym. To prevent serious damage, try to limit your phone’s exposure to extreme humidity whenever possible.

6. Using Unauthorised Chargers

While it may be tempting to use cheap, unauthorized chargers, there is a very real risk that they will damage your smartphone’s battery and cause charging issues. To extend your phone’s lifespan, stick to using chargers recommended by the manufacturer.

7. Multitasking Heavily 

Running multiple apps simultaneously or keeping too many apps open in the background can strain your phone’s resources, leading to decreased performance and excessive battery drain. When possible, close unused apps to optimize your device’s lifespan and performance.

8. Granting Permissions to All Apps

When installing new apps, pay attention to the permissions they request. Granting unnecessary permissions may use up your phone’s data and resources, worsening its longevity. Even worse, granting permissions to the wrong app can compromise your privacy and increase the risk of malware or data breaches that may make your phone unusable.

9. Neglecting Physical Protection 

Most new phones are quite tough these days, but they’re not invulnerable to damage. Because most of us bring our phones everywhere, they’re quite prone to accidental drops, scratches, and spills. Failing to use a protective case, screen protector, or waterproof cover increases the chances of damage, potentially shortening its lifespan.

10. Not Cleaning Regularly

Dust, lint, and debris can accumulate in your smartphone’s charging port, speakers, and headphone jack, affecting functionality. This is more prone to happen if you make a habit of treating your phone roughly. To increase your phone’s lifespan, regularly clean your phone’s vulnerable areas with a soft cloth or compressed air.

11. Using High Brightness Levels 

Keeping your smartphone’s brightness level at its maximum setting for prolonged periods can strain the display and drain the battery faster. Take note that high brightness levels are really only handy in direct sunlight. For most other purposes, a dimmer setting will suffice. 

To keep your phone’s battery in good condition for longer, opt for a moderate brightness level and adjust it based on the ambient lighting conditions. If your phone can automatically adjust brightness according to ambient light, you can turn on that function as well.

12. Engaging in Intensive Gaming 

While gaming is a popular smartphone activity, playing graphically demanding games for extended periods can generate excessive heat, strain the processor, and drain the battery quickly. Taking breaks during gaming sessions will prevent overheating, preventing the premature failure of your phone’s various components.

Proper care and smart habits can make a significant difference in preserving the longevity of your device. By avoiding the detrimental practices we mentioned, you can significantly extend the lifespan of your smartphone, ensuring that it will remain functional for years to come.

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