How to Prepare for CBSE Class 8 Science?

Science is one of the most engaging and impressive subjects. You learn new concepts about nature and how things work around you. It is always interesting to know what humans are made of, what the earth is made of, or what the universe is made of. Students are always keen on learning about the organisms their surroundings, which they cannot see.
Science opens up your creative minds and innovation. We love to imagine things around us and innovate new and incredible things. Studying science can help you open up your mind by imagining how life happens on earth.
Class 8 Science is the basis of all the topics you will be reading in higher classes. It is the building block of your innovation and creativity. You will learn about new things and concepts and come across amusing chapters in your Class 8 science. These are:
- Crops Production And Their Management
- Microorganisms (Friend And Foe)
- Synthetic Fibres And Plastics
- Materials (Metals And Non-metals)
- Coal And Petroleum
- Combustion And Flame
- Conservation Of Plants And Animals
- Cell Structure And Functions
- Reproduction In Animals
- Reaching The Age Of Adolescence
- Force And Pressure
- Fiction
- Sound
- Chemical Effects Of Electric Current
- Some Natural Phenomena
- Light
- Stars And The Solar System
- The Population Of Air And Water
Each chapter in your NCERT Science textbook will teach you about any one aspect of life. It will teach you how life began on earth, how animals reproduce, or what changes take place in human bodies with time.
To understand and relate each topic to your day-to-day life, you need to have a deep understanding of each concept. To gain in-depth knowledge about each concept, you have to go through each chapter multiple times. Along with hard work and dedication, you need to be innovative and think creatively, to achieve high scores. Here, we have mentioned some useful yet crucial tips to prepare for your Class 8 CBSE science exam.
Important Tips to Prepare Class 8 CBSE Exams
Have proper knowledge about the subject
Proper knowledge about the subject is a must to start your preparations. You should know each chapter you have in your textbook and a brief of what each chapter is about. This will help you start your preparation. You can pick up the chapters you have more interest in and start preparing. This will help you build interest in related chapters. By having proper subject knowledge, you can also devote your time to understanding the concepts in-depth. This can help you solve and understand any question asked in your exam.
Observe and understand the weightage and structure of the exam
The second most important thing for you to score good marks in your Science exam is to observe and understand the weightage each chapter holds, in the examination. Every chapter has a different weightage and type of questions asked in the exam (one marker, two markers, five markers). You have to practice and understand the questions according to the weightage. Otherwise, you may end up preparing well only for one-mark or two-mark questions and fail to answer the long-answer questions properly. To avoid this, you should always observe the weightage of each chapter and the answer format according to CBSE.
Practice writing answers
The best way to prepare for your class 8 science exam is to write your answers. The more you practice your responses, the more quality answers you will write in your exams. This will help you gain full marks for every question in the exam. Observe the answer formats by referring to the class 8 Science solutions book. This will give you an idea about how to write the answer in such a way that all the relevant information is mentioned in the answer and is easy to read and understand. As your practice writing answers more, the chances of scoring well in your class 8 science exam will increase. You can practice mock tests also within a set time to increase your speed to frame and write your answers within the time limit.
Check previous year’s question paper for repeating questions
While preparing for your exam, it is crucial to check the previous year’s question paper. There are one or two questions that usually repeat several times in the past years. You can observe these papers and get to know if there is a question that is repeated every year or not. You should practice writing answers for such questions so that you can score good marks on them if it is asked in your exam.
Use the CBSE guidebook to format your answers in the best possible way
You should refer to the guide books available on many online portals, to know how to format your answers in the best possible way. The Vedantu NCERT science class 8 pdf has the answers to all questions of the NCERT textbook. It can help you understand how to format your responses in a better way. You will also get several questions to practice for each chapter very well. This way, you can tackle any kind of question that is asked in your paper. It can also help you increase your speed while solving the question paper. With high speed, you will be able to finish the exam, a few minutes early. In the remaining time, you can revise your answers and edit them if need be.
Class 8 science exam can be a footstep to achieve a higher percentage in your class 8th while gaining knowledge about new concepts and things around you. You have to work hard to achieve high grades. However, working smart is equally essential to ace this subject.