
7 Reasons Why Remote Workers are Happier Than Office-Workers

Remote Workers

The modern digital era is marked by a preference for remote work, with companies like Google and Yahoo! famously establishing offices without any physical headquarters in recent years.

That said, what’s the deal with remote workers? Are they really happier than their office counterparts? Well, this post will explain to you why remote workers are statistically happier!

Reason 1:  Remote workers are free from distractions

The distractions that plague office workers are a boon for remote employees.

Office workers spend their days surrounded by noise, buzz, and activity, as well as a ton of co-workers. The sudden appearance of the boss’s face can throw people off their groove, making them feel like they have to work harder and faster to look good.

On the other hand, remote workers don’t have to deal with those distractions, allowing them to concentrate more on what they need to do.

Reason 2: Remote workers are free to work from where they want

Remote work can mean working from different places. This can be a huge plus for people who may have trouble going to the office. Perhaps you enjoy working at home, or perhaps you simply don’t like putting in time in an office space. With more companies opting for Office 365 migration, accessing company files and resources can be done anywhere.

Either way, it’s a benefit to your job that you don’t have to suffer through a 9-to-5 workday each day.

Reason 3:  Remote workers are free to work when they want

Remote workers can either work when they have time or not at all. The latter is actually a benefit since it allows them to get their work done without distractions and without fear of being scolded for goofing off.

Reason 4: Remote workers can focus on their own business goals

Remote workers don’t have to worry about impressing the boss or the office culture. They can set their own hours, make up their own minds about how the workday will go, and generally feel more like a doer than an employee.

Reason 5: Remote workers have more time for their own lives

When you work remotely, the only time you have to work is when you’re working, not when everyone else is. This can be a huge bonus for people who may find themselves struggling with a family or social life outside of work.

Reason 6: Remote workers are free from office politics

Remote workers aren’t stuck dealing with office politics. In fact, they aren’t even invited to the political table since they don’t have one!

Being able to avoid office politics is a huge benefit that many people working in offices can never experience.

Reason 7: Remote workers are free from office drama

If you’ve ever had a co-worker come to you for advice about a problematic boss, you understand how uncomfortable this can be.

Remote workers don’t have to worry about the drama that comes from being stuck in an office. An office worker gets sucked into the rat race and becomes more invested in pleasing the boss than sticking up for himself or herself.

Meanwhile, an employee with remote work can make her own decisions without being influenced by the circumstances of her workplace or by other people.

Remote work is a great way to be free from office politics, enjoy the benefits of a freer workday, and avoid some of the negative aspects of working in an office.

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