Robotics and Medical Science: The Incredible Machines that Have Made Treatment Simple

With the advancement of technology in different industries, medical science is also using high-tech instruments to make the treatment simple and easy. Robots have become one of the essential equipment in the medical field helping doctors to perform the procedures quickly with accuracy. Scientists are doing extreme efforts in the field of medical robotics. They have designed many nano and micro-robots that provide aid in different diagnostic as well as surgical procedures…
Robotics Machines that Have Made Treatment Simple
1. Endoscopic K Flex Robot
The medical research center has opened a new chapter to assist the doctor in endoscopic procedures. The K Flex is a special endoscopic robot that has about 3.5mm diameter arms. The flexible arms help the robot to perform the function on the targeted site. The arms are stretchable enough that they can stretch about 7 cm to perform the procedure.
The talented device is inserted through the naval and then passes through the complex narrow structures to reach the destination. One of the arms is adjusted in a way that the surgeon can view the inside lining clearly while the other hand has the needle that removes all the lesions on the tissue from the gallbladder.
2. Microbot For Targeted Therapy
The highly promising drug delivery micro machines ensure that the medicine will reach its destination to show its positive outcome. The drugs that are hard to reach their destination, now are delivered conveniently to the specific site thus giving the patient relief in a short time.
Cancer is hard to treat because most of the medicines not only destroy the malignant cells but also damage the normal cells which may lead to the severity of the disease. But now thanks to the nanorobot technology that is preventing the worsening of the disease. Rather help in cure.
The nano fish robot is one of the excellent examples that moves like a fish. A special magnetic system is present through which doctors guide the robot to reach to targeted site and deliver the drug safely without causing harm to normal cells.
3. Diagnostic Robots
With the help of medical robotics, doctors can save lives and fight against previously impossible complexities. The robot technology has made a diagnosis so simple. In the past, the diseases were difficult to diagnose and patients lost a life just because of poor diagnosis. But now robot technology has given a new path and helping doctors to diagnose hidden diseases quickly.
Small fly robots are one of the talented bugs that enter through skin incisions with diagnostic tools and sensors. Then it reaches the position where some unusual activity is present and spots that point. Doctors through the result diagnose the disease and recommend the treatment to save the patient’s life.
Robot lampreys are another nanodevice that also helps in the analysis of the disease in human beings.
4. Clinical Training Bots
When the medical students are in training mode and they have to undergo their first surgery they are quite confused. Some get frightened while others are confident. Now being a medical student, the technology has gifted you an amazing robot kid that is just like a five-year-old male child that can say “ow” when you prick a needle as well as respond just like the patients of arrhythmia do during the attack.
The world’s most advanced pediatric simulator is the best source for students who have to learn about surgeries and their complexities. This help them to get confidence and learn about various aspect they have to face during surgical treatment before starting their practice on a real man. The virtual reality tool will be quite helpful for the trainees to understand how to work under pressure, and how to cope with the situation when a patient is near death.
5. Assistant Robots
To make the surgeries accurate with the least incisions medical science has introduced assistant robots. These outstanding machines are helping the doctors to complete their surgeries not only in a short time but also giving less pain to the patients. No need for large incisions to reach the organ. A small hole or prick is enough for the robotic machine to perform the procedure.
Davinci system is one of the advanced robot machines that perform surgery with minimum incision ensuring less bleeding and quick healing of the patient. The automated system provides aid to doctors in surgical procedures like hip bone replacement. The mechatronic device not only performs surgery but also assist doctor in planning to operation. Thanks to the technology that is making complex procedures not comfortable for doctors the patients also feel relaxed while undergoing stressful surgeries.
6. Exoskeletons
Accident? Oh, broke your leg? No longer able to move in the future and have to be dependent on a wheelchair or crutches to move? A sad situation anyone has to face in life after an accident. But scientists are working in the field to bring such innovation so that a person will never remain pendant on wheelchairs. The exoskeleton is the robotic tool that helps the person to move just like a normal. The robots are nothing short of miracles as the paralyzed person can start their training with this machine and walk again.
Even these machines help patients with brain or spinal cord injuries that cause muscle weakness. The mind control exoskeleton controls your muscles and helps you move just like a normal person.
The full body-powered exoskeleton is not yet available but these are in clinical trials so that they can help mankind soon and make life better. These will help to eradicate fatigue and injuries so that a person can keep on moving without feeling depressed.
7. Companion Bots
Alone? No one around you to provide you a good company or combat your loneliness? Why worry? Thanks to the technology that has introduced companion robots. These will help you to reduce your loneliness and help to reduce your stress. Loneliness may be an epidemic problem that may lead to death if the person is not given any companionship or therapy. Therefore, such people who are depressed and need a partner badly must bring companion bots into their lives. Humanoid robots can read your emotions and respond to questions and moods. Even a few robots hug, say hi, and wave you when you are going out. Isn’t it awesome? Then if you have no one with you, your family has left you then bring this human-robot and start a new life by staying happy with your new friend.
The medical robotics market is increasing day by day just because of its extreme applications. These talented machines are not only helping the doctors in diagnosis, treatment, and reducing their therapy time but also helping the patients to get secure treatment with the least uncertainties. Technology is bringing efficiency to the healthcare system and giving a better life to people. Digital tools are indeed miracles for the treatment of diseases that were fatal in the past.