Digital Marketing

What is Technical SEO and Why Your Site Needs It

Technical SEO

If you are gradually unfolding the wonders of SEO, some terms you might have come across are keyword research, hyperlinks, and meta descriptions. While these methods do an excellent job of increasing your visibility across the web, technical SEO is meant to accelerate your growth rate remarkably.

A proper strategy to implement technical SEO can take you closer to the point where the content you create majorly aligns with your marketing goals. So, to begin with, what is technical SEO, and how will your brand reap some benefits from it? Let’s explore.

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO refers to optimizing your website to make it readable and accessible for search engine spiders. It mainly deals with the backend infrastructure of a website to improve its ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs). However, it also helps to improve the overall quality of the content besides preparing it for the SEO contest. Let’s face it, a flawless piece of content deserves a vast pool of readers.

The first initiative towards implementing technical SEO is to find a suitable consultancy firm that serves the same domain. The primary goal of the technical SEO company you are working with is to ensure that the search engine can crawl and index your website. But what do the terms crawling and indexing mean?

What is crawling and indexing?

Crawling, in short, is where the search bots in an engine gather information from your website. Remember, a bot must be able to effortlessly navigate through your pages to have them indexed and ranked.

Indexing is the step where these bots check the relevance of your data and keywords with the topic you’ve picked. It is the stage where the search engine verifies whether the readers will find your website genuinely insightful. The ranking is based on how well your website performs in the index test.

What are the elements of technical SEO?

Now, let’s jump right into how to do technical SEO before you start with the crucial step of technical SEO audit.

Website Structure

we have some primary aspects of the website, such as its URL structure, metadata, and site speed. But one of the critical elements of technical SEO is website structure. Making a webpage appealing to search engines and driving more traffic is essential. It involves ensuring that the URLs are descriptive, has a clear page hierarchy, and have no broken links.

Website Metadata

Another crucial aspect is optimizing the website’s metadata. This category includes title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags, which help search engines understand the content of a page. These elements should be concise and keyword-rich.

Site Speed

Site speed is another critical aspect of technical SEO. A website that loads quickly is more user-friendly and works well to impress search engines for a higher rank.


Last, mobile optimization largely influences how much the search engine rewards your website. With most internet traffic now coming from mobile devices, it places a high value on websites optimized for smartphone users. Therefore, creating a responsive website that adjusts to different screen sizes will earn you some brownie points.

The benefits of prioritizing technical SEO

To convince you to use technical SEO to level up your online presence, here are some first-hand benefits of implementing and prioritizing it in your marketing strategy.

So, why is technical SEO important?

1. An instant hike in outreach

The whole purpose of technical SEO is to make your website a search engine favorite. So once Google and Bing start working in your favor, your blogs will rank higher, reach more people and thus earn more clicks!

2. Attention-grabbing snippets

Readers are always more likely to tap on a link that has some exciting snippets peeking through. Humans are visual creatures, after all. As soon as you start feeding the search engine with an optimized backend, it will consider your website relevant for the users and feature some added snippets to grab their attention immediately. So, it has Google market you for free!

3. Better on-site experience

While a search engine will check the user experience of your website, once you qualify for the crawling and indexing stages, technical SEO services will help you boost the customer experience you manage to offer through your site even further.  This improvement may also have a positive impact on your conversion rates.

4. Improved site security

With all the efforts to make your website ready for the search engine, you are also contributing to safeguarding it from external threats. Strengthening the technical aspects of the page can help fortify the barriers between your site’s internal functions and any malicious individuals or code that might attempt to compromise it. That sounds like a valid reason to opt for technical SEO consultancy.

Final touch

Technical SEO is mainly aimed at helping the search engine pick clues in your favor. These clues and indicators will ultimately interpret the relevancy of your website and answer the question – “Why do you think your website deserves a great rank?” While technical SEO will surely help you overtake your competitors in the race of SERPs, will you let it do the job for you? If the answer is yes, let’s call this article a mega success, shall we?

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