The End For Internet Explorer Is Here! Microsoft Announces!

The wait is over: After Microsoft has been two-pronged for years with Internet Explorer and its actual successor, Microsoft Edge, the end date for the old browser has now been set. Microsoft will end support for Internet Explorer on June 15, 2022. Provision is made for those unwilling to change.
After 25 years: Microsoft sets the end of Internet Explorer.
Microsoft released a test build for participants in the Windows 10 Insider program without Internet Explorer, the company’s press service announced on May 21. Also, in the assembly, the economy mode is disabled in the task manager. The company noted that the feature has been disabled for revision and will return in future releases.
The new build also fixes many issues, including incorrect operation of Bluetooth speakers, emergency shutdowns of explorer.exe, errors in displaying fonts in the welcome message of the system, and false operation of USB printers.
Internet Explorer was able to experience its big anniversary: last year, the browser turned 25. During this time, a lot has changed online, and although Microsoft has, of course, added updates and new versions – the Internet browser has outlived itself. After all, the Microsoft Edge browser, which was planned as a successor, has been available for years. Now Microsoft has announced the end of the grace period, but with a back door.
On June 15, 2022, the support ends of the desktop app Internet Explorer 11 in Windows 10. Microsoft has announced on the official company blog. Two specifications are noteworthy: First, Microsoft Edge will take over the functions of Internet Explorer. Old websites based on Internet Explorer can in the future still be visited using Microsoft Edge’s “IE mode” (IE stands for Internet Explorer).
On the other hand, the announcement applies to specific versions of Windows 10. Internet Explorer is retained on older operating systems. Microsoft has compiled a complete list of the Windows versions that are not affected in its FAQs.
Grace period: Edge will keep Internet Explorer mode until 2029.
The IE model in Microsoft Edge is primarily intended to make it easier for companies to switch with an extended deadline. In the Windows blog, the company writes that IE mode in Edge will be supported until 2029. Anyone who takes a long time to get used to or has nostalgic feelings for Internet Explorer, therefore, still has a few years ahead of them in which Edge can be “reused.”
Microsoft justifies the swan song of Internet Explorer with the improved functionality under Edge. This includes, for example, compatibility with modern and older websites and apps and features that are intended to support productive work. Above all, however, Edge offers more security when browsing the Internet.
Let us also recall that Internet Explorer has been the primary browser in Windows operating systems since 1995 for two decades. At various times, Internet Explorer has been the most popular browser in the world. With Windows 10, Microsoft Edge has become the primary browser for Microsoft’s operating system.