What are the Different Types of Cataract and their treatment in Delhi?

Cataract is characterized by the clouding of the lens of the eye, which is located behind the pupil. Due to cloudiness, the lens becomes opaque and dysfunctional. The lens of the eye works in several ways to make the vision possible. It focuses light onto the retina to create a sharp and clear image to send to the brain through the optic nerve. The lens also enables the eye to change focus that makes it possible to see distant and close-up objects clearly.
The lens of our eye is made up of water and protein, which allow the light to filter through. But when you grow older, that protein starts to gather into little clumps that cloud the lens, forming cataract. Cataract should not be left unaddressed and untreated as it will continue to worsen with time and leads to blurred vision that is not correctable or treatable with glasses or contact lenses.
Types Of Cataract
Nuclear Cataract
Nuclear cataract, also known as nuclear sclerotic cataract, is one of the most common types of cataracts. This affects older people the most. A nuclear cataract develops in the center of the lens, known as the nucleus. It also changes the eye’s ability to focus and may improve close-up vision temporarily. Nuclear cataract progresses very slowly and may require several years before it can start to affect your vision.
Cortical Cataract
This develops on the outside edge of the lens, known as the cortex. This is small in its initial stage and points towards the center of the eye but can scatter the light when it is grown. Glare is the main symptom of cortical cataract. You may feel your vision hazy like you are seeing through a foggy window. Due to this, driving at night becomes difficult for you. It may also become hard for you to differentiate between colors or to judge how far an object is. Precisely, cortical cataract affects both near and distance vision. That is why, you should get it treated as soon as possible.
Posterior Subcapsular Cataract
This type of cataract develops on the back surface of the lens. You may experience halos or glares around the light sources or even a smudge over your vision. Posterior subcapsular cataracts develop faster than other types of cataracts and the symptoms may become noticeable within months. Diabetic patients or those who take oral steroids are more likely to develop this type of cataract.
Congenital Cataract
While most cataracts affect aged people, there are certain cataracts that either you are born with or develop when you are a child. This happens due to genetic issues or illness that your mother had when she was pregnant. Usually, this type of cataract may not need treatment when it is small or outside the center of the lens. But the eye surgeon removes congenital cataract when it starts blocking the vision, leading to amblyopia.
Traumatic Cataract
While most cataracts are caused by factors such as aging or the exposure of the eyes to the UV rays, cataracts can also be caused due to injuries to the eye. Many kinds of injuries can lead to the formation of cataracts. The cataract could develop soon after the injury or not show up until years later. Therefore, you need to get an eye check-up especially if your eyes are hurt, so that the cataract can be detected early.
Treatment Of Cataracts in Delhi
There are no medications available to treat cataracts; prescription glasses can help you with your condition for a while. However, when prescription glasses cannot clear your vision, cataract surgery remains the only effective treatment. Discuss with your eye doctor about whether surgery is right for you or not.
Most eye doctors in Delhi advise cataract surgery when your cataract starts affecting the quality of life or interferes with your ability to perform daily activities such as reading or driving at night. It is up to you and your doctor to decide when cataract surgery is the best option for you. Most of people do not rush to remove cataracts simply because it does not harm the eye. But cataracts can worsen faster in diabetic people. In such cases, surgery becomes the need of the hour.
Pristyn Care in Delhi offers the best eye care that focuses on the specific needs of every patient while ensuring that their treatment is efficient and hassle-free. They have highly experienced and skilled eye surgeons and their clinics are equipped with modern and advanced medical instruments.
During cataract surgery, the surgeon at Pristyn Care removes the clouded lens and replaces it with a clear artificial lens also known as intraocular lens (IOL). The surgeon implants the IOL in the same place where your natural lens was. Post-procedure, the OIL remains a permanent part of your eye. However, other eye conditions prohibit the use of IOL for some people. In such situations, vision may be corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses.
Cataract surgery is performed on an outpatient basis at Pristyn Care in Delhi, where you do not need to stay at the hospital post-surgical procedure. You will be discharged from the hospital after a few hours of your cataract surgery. Before the surgery starts, the doctor uses a local anesthetic to numb the area around your eye so that you will not feel pain, but stay awake throughout the treatment procedure.
Cataract surgery takes around half an hour to complete. The surgeon also gives you some medicines to make you feel relaxed. After that, the surgeon proceeds further and makes a tiny cut in the front of your eye. Then the surgeon breaks the cataract into small pieces suction them out of the eye and implants a clear artificial lens. The surgeon may cover your eye with a bandage after the surgical procedure, which can be removed on the same day after a few hours or the very next day.
You will rest at the hospital for the first few hours, then the surgeon will explain to you how to care for your eye. Once you become stable, the surgeon discharges you from the hospital. Also, you will get two separate surgeries in a gap of a few weeks if you have cataracts in both eyes as it gives enough time for your one eye to heal properly before the second one gets operated.
Pristyn Care treats a wide variety of problems associated with vision. However, they specialize in modern cataract surgery. If you have a cataract, Pristyn Care can be the best choice for you in Delhi. We highly recommend you contact them. You can even book an appointment with one of their best ophthalmologists right now.