Important Tips for WordPress Management Automation

The future of work is automation, so they say they are right. There are repetitive tasks that take a lot of time and are not pleasant to do, even for experienced word press web admins. Whether you have a small website or a large one with several thousands of daily page views, you’ll be required to perform maintenance functions often. It includes backing up the website, updating plugins and themes, optimizing it for speed, deleting spam, and other monotonous tasks. Even for a small website, such mundane tasks can eat away time you may use for doing essential things like creating content, promoting the website, and replying to customer queries.
Fortunately, you can use a couple of tools to automate some of these repetitive tasks. Some web hosting services come with features that help automatically back up your website. There are settings you can activate from the word press dashboard to automate regular activities like plugin updating. Most of these plugins are free, but if you have a large website, you may need more advanced applications with sophisticated features to handle the unique needs of your word press website.
Is managing your word press website becoming a nightmare? Are you constantly forgetting to do simple things that are critical to the performance and security of your website? Did I hear you say YES? This article was prepared to share tips on automating your website’s management.
Tips To Help You Automate, Maintenance, And Management Of Your WordPress Website
Automate Backups
When you know your website is well backed, you can sleep sound and not worry about losing vital data in case of a security breach or technical glitches. There are several options out there as far as automating website backup is concerned. The simplest and most cost-effective way to back up your word press site is using plugins. Some popular plugins for this purpose include Back WPup, WP All Backup, Jetpacks Backups, Blog Vault, and Duplicator. Install and activate one that is compatible with your theme. Once the plugin is active, please set it to update automatically. Now you can worry about other aspects of your website, knowing your data is backed even while you sleep.
Automate Updates
Although updating Word press is critical to the security and performance of the website, it is easy to forget to do it, especially if you are a new website owner or have never experienced security problems associated with Word press vulnerabilities for old versions. Word press is constantly being updated to enhance performance and security. Some updates are automatic; however, heavy updates may have to be done manually. You can now set your theme to update automatically from the dashboard. However, if you want to streamline updating the Word press theme and plugins, you may use Easy Update manager, a plugin that lets you manage all updates related to your Word press site from one central point. Once the plugin is installed and activated, set it on automatic updates and let it work its magic.
Automate Spam detection and deleting
Nothing is as annoying as unsolicited emails or comments from marketers and hackers. You may do everything possible to keep your email and website from spammers, but they somehow find ways to get to you. You can prevent spam by banning anonymous comments, disabling comments, or moderating comments. Manually preventing website spam is daunting. But you can install a WordPress plugin that filters spam comments and messages automatically. Akismet Anti-spam plugin is one of the most popular options out there. After it has been installed and updated, it can help with various spam attacks, including spam subscriptions, messages, comments, etc. If you don’t deal with spam first, it’ll negatively impact the performance of your website.
Automate Optimizing Database
Whether your website receives thousands of traffic per day or a handful of visitors, as long as you are adding content, creating pages, or adding posts, you should often optimize your database to enhance your website’s performance. You can manually delete outdated images or inactive pages and other unnecessary, but it can consume a lot of time, primarily if your website is populated with content. You can automate the process with a plugin like WP Database reset. You can now relax knowing your database is accurately optimized when you install and activate it. There are other plugins if WP database reset doesn’t meet your needs.
Optimize Images automatically
Heavy images slow down your website and consume much of your storage space. Typically, you would manually compress images before uploading them to your website. It is ok if you are only compressing one image, but if you have to do more than five images daily, it becomes boring. An image optimizer like the EWWW image optimizer automatically compresses images; saving you time and helping you maintain your sanity.
Schedule posts in advance
If you are tight on schedules, you may create or source content ahead of time and schedule it to be published at your chosen time. There are inbuilt features that can enable you to automate content publishing on word press. Just click on the post settings, and click Edit next to publish immediately for options to select desired dates and times for publishing the post or page.
Collect emails from your website visitor
This is one of the oldest and most effective digital marketing strategies for all sizes of websites. You don’t have to wait until you receive millions of visitors a month to build an email list. Some plugins automate email gathering on your website. You create opt-in forms in strategic places for prospective clients and happy customers to sign up. Mail chimp and Optin monster are some of the most popular options for email marketing. They both have features that help you automate email marketing tasks, such as sending periodic emails to customers.
Automating repetitive tasks and processes is one way to save time and improve efficiency in managing word press websites. Most automation solutions like plugins and word press inbuilt features can be implemented free of charge. You don’t have to wait until your website has grown to begin automating daily tasks like backing up the site. Managing automation in word press is easy, as most processes only require installing and activating plugins and turning on necessary settings.