
Best Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) Addons for You

Best ESO Addons

Contradicting to most gamers who have never applied addons or any kind of mods to their games, when they do opt for such lively improvements, they realize the wonders a simple addon can do and start using them on every game. The Elder Scrolls Online is one such game that is highly customizable with mods and add-ons. But what do ESO addons mean exactly?

To be precise, its features can be expanded through add-ons that enhance your gaming experience easier as well as more enjoyable. ESO has a dynamic gaming community plagued with hobbyist developers that have released addons to improve and modify the game. Whether you are beginning at level 1 or are an experienced veteran prepared to attack the world bosses and harshest dungeons, you are sure to find the best ESO mods as the article lists below 16 of the best ESO addons:

Best 16 Must-Have Addons for ESO

1. Awesome Guild store

The name says it all. Awesome Guild Store addon betters the guild store interface. With this one of the ESO must-have addons enabled, you received a wide array of choices accessible to help guild sales by units, quantity, and pricing breakdowns. It also displays the locations of guild traders, the number of listed items, and the revisited guild traders. An accurate definition of your listing fee and house cut along with the final price is available too.

2. Votan’s Achievements Overview

This achievement tracking addon for ESO is a smart touch to your gaming. Instead of simply displaying the amount of your progress or the lack of it, it displays the progress of achievements that are the result of your impulsive tryouts, so you do not have to search for it amongst others. One of the useful ESO best mods, this addon adjusts to your language and furnishes the player with detailed information about their build. The information available for each character improves leveling options and build choices.

3. PVP Meter

PVP Meter displays statistical data from PVP encounters. The addon is useful in Imperial City and Cyrodiil contests, duels, and battlegrounds. Players can assess the number of fatal blows, deaths, kills, assists, alliance points, the percentage of won/lost duels, medals, team score, and the result of the last five duels. PVP Meter is customizable with additional features such as sound effects and animations for killing blows. Players can even notice the race, class, heals, shields, blocks, dodges, and damage dealt and taken occurring during each encounter.

4. Champion Point Slots

This add-on provides everything you would need for configuration champion points. Although making use of the ESO Champion Point allocation tool pleases visually, it is often time-consuming and cumbersome. What is required is to figure out an efficient plan with ESO enchanting addons which is packed full of features. If you intend to easily allocate champion points for various configurations, Championship Point Slots is one of the best ESO add-ons for you. Keep track of your allocated points and toggle easily with the drop-down bar between optional and current configurations.

5. Dungeon Tracker

One of the must-have add-ons for ESO perfectionists, this addon allows you to track your dungeon progress amongst all of the player’s characters (or the ones they wish for). With this addon, players would not have to browse through the achievements tab to identify the next one. All that is required is to spend some time in the zone or guild chat to notice the number of players dungeon questing.

6. Skyshards and Lorebooks

These two separate add-ons display the locations of Skyshards and Lorebooks. They both work similarly by applying map pins to reveal the location of these items. The Lorebooks addon shows pins for Eidetic Memory Scrolls and Shalidor’s Books. Both of these ESO must-have addons are easy to configure and use. Often, the lorebooks you pursue are located in the remotest of places. This addon makes the quest for lorebooks quicker and easier whereas the skyshards addon furnishes a compass for the finder to locate them.

7. Master Merchant

Master Merchant is one of the best ESO addons for shopping which lets you view your Guild’s topmost sellers and their items, helping you seek out splendid deals and save money. It also offers many trade-related enhancements such as displaying nuisance tax income and guild sales. This addon replaces the guesswork with certainty in trading. You need not consume your hours with research to figure out the true value of your item on sale anymore.

8. Inventory Grid View

The ESO player base must have had a great experience with RPGs or MMO games in general, and possessing an inventory as a list is exasperating. Sure, it feels nice and immersive when you begin, but very soon it becomes burdensome to manage a plethora of items with just a handful viewable in one gaze. The grid view option answers the question “What do ESO addons mean to do” by sacrificing detailed information for a view that provides a conveniently efficient look at what is in your inventory.

9. Urich’s Skill Point Finder

One of your best ESO add-ons for leveling resources, Urich’s Skill Point Finder helps to acquire skill points. Although there are ways to acquire them through general gameplay, it can be often puzzling to figure out their location. Urich Skill Point Finder displays the skill points the player has acquired as well as those that are not. The add-on features an easy-to-read UI that shows the multiplayer events, skyshards, skill points progression from dungeons, and story and dungeon quests.

10. Lost Treasure

Lost Treasure is one of the ESO best mods that display treasure maps and survey locations on player’s maps. It further features an in-built minimap, that is omnipresent irrespective of the general map, thereby improving your quest to locate treasures or surveys easier. Lost Treasure functions in a nice, non-obtrusive method, allowing you to either spot the treasures on your inventory, the ones you have located already, or all the locations that exist.

11. Quest Map

Quest Map is one of the most ESO enchanting add-ons that make for a useful tool meant for leveling and completionists players. If you are not aware of where you are going but are aware of where you have been, this add-on makes your travels a lot easier. It lets you figure out what quests are available in each region. It even marks map pins for unfinished quests. The tooltips show the quest name and description. Players can also avail filters to see played incomplete and completed quests.

12. Destinations

Another one of the must-have add-ons for ESO maps, Destinations will locate all kinds of POIs on your map, even the ones that most add-ons are unable to locate. Destinations locate the diverse points of interest on your maps, such as Solo Dungeons, Group Delves, Group Events, and Crafting Locations. It also supports English, French, Russian, Japanese, and German names. It also features enhanced location details such as the kinds of fish available at a fishing hole.

13. Combat Metrics

This addon is a combat parser that lets players analyze their combats. It displays DPS, the skills that did the most DPS heals, the damage you’ve encountered and buffs, debuffs, healing, and more. Parsing damage is a very useful tool when you intend to gauge your armor set, weapons, and the method of damage inflicted against enemies. If you seek to improve your rotation, this is an ESO must-have addons.

14. Harvest Map

Harvest Map is one of the best ESO mods for adventurers who seek to ride through Tamriel and desire an elevated sense of all items they might want to pick up. Running low on a crafting item? Searching for appropriate locations to fish? This addon is for you. Harvest Map is so efficient that it even speeds up your tasks. It displays the location of plants, wood, chests, runestones, hidden stashes, clothes, fishing spots, ores, and more.

15. Bag Space Indicator

This is one of ESO’s enchanting add-ons that display space available after purchases and is more configurable than any other addon or mod meant for the same. This addon displays bag space, gold, timers, research, knowledge, level, horse feed timer, Alliance Points, and Soul Gems. Furthermore, it does not obstruct your gameplay in any manner. It lets you keep track of the amount of gold you possess so as to make you ready for the opportunities to purchase items you notice in zone chat as well as for paying bounties.

16. Dolgubon’s Lazy Writ Crafter

This is one of the ESO best mods meant for the writ crafting work. It generates the items for writs by itself and more. Dolgubon’s Lazy Writ Crafter also acquires writs rewards, fetches quest items from the bank, and informs you of useful rewards. Unfortunately, it does not support alchemy writs and provisioning. However, Daily Alchemy and Daily Provisioning addons support writ crafting for these two by themselves.

A Final Word

Some players call these mods and add-ons, while others recognize them as lifesavers. From utility plugins to combat helpers, the above listed are the best ESO mods and addons which serve as an integral MMO experience. Whether you are an experienced Tam Riel adventurer or a novice Elder Scrolls Online player, gamers are sure to benefit from the use of these add-ons.

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