What is Robotics and Importance of Robotics for Future

Robotics is part of science, technology, and engineering. In this process machines that work like human behavior are produced, and they are called Robots. Robotics covers mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer engineering, software engineering, and information engineering, etc. Robotics produces machines that can perform like human and can replace the human. Firstly, robots are produced to work in the dangerous workplace so that people involved in those industries do not face problems. But later robots are used in many different industries like manufacturing, laboratories, military, hospitals, research centers, etc. Robots not only replace humans but also perform better than humans. So here we highlight the Importance of the Robotics for future.
Isaac Asimov is a well-known author who gave a popular law of robotics. The law covers the following three facts
1 – Robots must not harm humans.
2 – Robots must obey human orders covering rule first.
3 – Robots should not harm themselves as well as following the previous two rules.
It means robots are invented for human assistance not for harming them. Robots are phenomenal machines that are working in most fields. As well as their advantages, there is a number of drawbacks with them. Let’s discuss the main Importance of Robotics for the Future.
Benefits and Importance of Robotics for Future
More Productive
Robots are considered more productive than humans. Where a man can produce 10 quantities of any item, the robot can produce 50 to 60 quantities of that item. Because robots are machines with highly qualified engineering they are more productive. We have to command only, they just produce output. Not only in quantity but also robots are better in quality too. A man might perform poor but a robot never performs poorly. We got the exact output that we gave input to them. Robots are mainly used in big manufacturing industries. In those industries, robots play a vital role in not only production but also inventory. They assist the manufacturer to know what to produce, how to produce, and how efficiently to maintain the inventory. Here you know how robotic machines made treatment simple nowadays.
The initiative of robots is purposed to save the lives of many people who are engaged in dangerous units. The risk is different in each sector. In manufacturing units, there are various risks like uplifting heavy items, working in dangerous mines, and many more. Robots prevent these risks, they are able to lift heavy items efficiently. In laboratories, there is a risk of harmful chemicals. Some chemicals may be fatal so the robots protect from being harmed. Robots assist the managing unit to keep the data safe, so there is no risk of losing the important data.
Work For Hours
Robots can perform more than humans. A man needs to take rest timely but a robot can keep working continuously. So robots are most needed in those factories where production work is in high demand. Sometimes companies have to supply in bulk but they don’t have much time, in these types of conditions robots are more reliable because they can perform without taking rest whereas men could not do the same. They do not require rest they require only fuel to empower them. Hence, it is true that robots are enough potential for long-duration work.
The major saving done by the robots is precious time. Where humans take too much time doing some work, robots can perform that work in a little time. So the companies save their valuable time by using robots. Robots help companies to save money by increasing efficiency and reducing wastage due to higher accuracy. It is true that the installation cost of robots is higher than manpower but the long-run benefits lessen the expenses. We can say that robots are enough to save the company’s manpower as well as money power.
Creation Of Jobs
The advancement of robotics offers new jobs in society. In the field of robotics, there are a lot of opportunities for youths. From making robots to tackling them a number of jobs are created in this field. Some people assume that robotics snatched the jobs of many workers but it is false in different aspects.
Disadvantages of Robotics
Each discovery brings its flaws with itself. With lots of merits, there are some demerits too. We are rounding up some of the main disadvantages of Robotics.
Installation And Maintenance Cost
Robots are too expensive for every organization to adopt. An organization has to invest a big amount of its resources in keeping robots. Sometimes this cost exceeds human resource expenses. Not only the installation cost but the daily maintenance cost is also high in robotics. To maintain the robots organization needs to have highly qualified engineers and expensive tools to repair them. Due to the cost factor, most of the companies deny to accept the proposal of having robots and go for human resources.
Negative Outputs
A robot works as a machine and it performs the same as what we command it. But if we put the wrong inputs it can result in failure. Robots do not understand the intentions of their user and this can harm humans. Sometimes they can be operated to harm society.
Lack of Emotions
Robots are machines designed by science and technology. They can perform like a human but do not have complete emotions as a human does. They can follow our command but can’t understand the objectives behind the commands. The commands may be for the welfare of society and may be harmful to society. This is one of the major drawbacks of robotics so we can’t rely on robotics completely.
Reducing the Jobs
Science and technology have been reducing the number of jobs for years because they replace a number of workers with machines. Robots impact the daily wages of workers mainly. A machine replaces thousands of workers and this causes unemployment and it is the main concern for the countries which have a vast population with a number of youth workers.
Skilled Operating Team
To operate the robots a unit has to carry a particularly skilled team who can operate the robots well. Sometimes it is impossible to have this team for every organization and sometimes it exceeds the number of required workers to do that particular work. The organizations have to invest a huge amount of its fund to keep the operating team. So this is also a demerit of robotics for the organizations.
In this Era the advancement technology is the necessity for us. Robotics development is the most important part for future. We describe here about Robotics and Importance of robotics for future and disadvantage of Robotics.