Microsoft’s Unified Office Mobile Apps for Android and iOS: What is it ?

What are Microsoft Office Mobile Apps?
Microsoft Office is an application that is used to write documents. It contains a large number of tools that can edit, modify or do anything to words with the help of that tools. The basic thing is how it facilitates and at what device or in what manner it helps us? First of all, we have to clarify what is Microsoft?
Microsoft is a major leading platform that provides applications for windows and android devices. Microsoft office gives pure content related to devices. It was introduced nearly in 1975. Microsoft Office still offers a huge collection of applications and software. All the software provided by Microsoft, is well and good in all directions. There is no chance of any mi shack for Microsoft. Hence the latest upgrade of Microsoft is Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office is the strongest software for reading and writing in the world.
Microsoft Office provides a bunch of words, fonts, font types, font styles, font sizes, colors, page inputs, picture insertions, and much more for users. It was too tough to provide a strong source of writing and reading. Hence Microsoft provided the solutions for that problem. Microsoft introduced the latest form of reading and writing which is now known as Microsoft Office. This Microsoft Office has a large number of facilities. In the initial stages, it was just founded for MAC and windows. Afterward, the demand for Microsoft Office officially rises above. Hence Microsoft decides to create Microsoft Office for Android devices.
Microsoft Office for Mobile:
Microsoft Office is enormously fruitful on mobile devices. A few Office applications have more than 1 billion introduced on Android, and Microsoft’s Office suite is likewise prominent on iOS. Later on, there could be an expansion to the Office lineup, a brought together Office application on iOS. Another report from ZDNet states that a brought together Office Mobile application will come to iOS devices later on.
Microsoft has a comparable Office Mobile application that comes preloaded on the Galaxy system Note 10. Microsoft Office Mobile is a lightweight application that allows you to see, alter, and offer records from Word, PowerPoint, and Exceed expectations. The portrayal peruses,
The trusted Microsoft Office apps that let you make, alter, view, and offer documents are presently accessible for download as a solitary advantageous application. Office Mobile incorporates the MS Word, PowerPoint, and Excel apps to offer an advantageous office experience in a hurry. The Office Mobile application isn’t intended to supplant the complete fuel committed Office apps. Rather, it makes a basic space to make alters and view and offer records. Many of the devices are compatible with this office. It is totally free and easy to access. Here we are discussing the features of Microsoft Office.
MS Word:
Microsoft Office provides the facility of MS Word. This feature provides a large platform for the best writing skills and tools. Many of the tools are those which are not accessible in other duplicate apps. There are too many font styles present in MS Word. These fonts can be easily changed. Font color provides a great feature of the best text writing color, which increases the grace of text writing. It also provides the text style. Here are a bunch of text writing styles. You can write in any style. Microsoft Office word provides you the facility of bold text. You can convert your text into a bold form. Graphs and columns can be added to MS Word. Here is an option of text arranging which gives you to write or manage your text-justify or left and right alignments. There is a large number of languages, which support the native styles of other languages. Even that it also provides the facility of synonyms to change your paraphrases.
Microsoft Office Excel:
Excel is also the latest form of Microsoft Office. Excel is used for what? Excel gives you the facility of mathematical calculations and analytical procedures. You can use excel as a major source of analysis. Many of the analysis is generated in excel. It also gives you the facility of putting your data here to store it for a long-term duration. It provides you the spreadsheets, in which you can easily put your data. 99.9 % of institutes are using Microsoft Office Excel for their timetable charts and Payslips. a large number of the data record is managed over the world with the help of excel. Hence now it all is in your pocket now because Microsoft Office Excel is now available for your devices. You can use it anywhere and at any time.
Microsoft Office PowerPoint:
Microsoft Office PowerPoint is an application in which you can present your data to the audience. Marketing tools are very important nowadays and that is why PowerPoint is giving and providing a facility for presentation. You can present your data anywhere. At the start, it was a great issue that only windows or PC were able to use it. There was no single mobile device that provides such tools. Hence PowerPoint provides you with this facility on android devices. Now you can generate any file at any place.
Many times you need to write a document in the absence of your personal computer. So PowerPoint facilitates you for that time. You can easily manage your data now on your android. It provides you the widest bunch of tools and facilitation. For example, it gives you the facility of font style, font size, font color, language changing, different alignments, text size, text style, page size, pager border, Italian styles, underline facility, and many more.
Microsoft Office Cloud Storage:
Microsoft Office Cloud Storage is an option that is very very important for the users. The user can upload its data to direct cloud storage. What is cloud storage? Cloud storage is online storage that gives you the facility of storage of our data. All types of data can be uploaded here. Dropbox is the best example of cloud storage. Google Drive also provides you the facility of online storage.
Even a single word, which you put on your document can be saved on your cloud storage. How do they facilitate? It facilitates you to create an online record and data storage. You can get easy access to your data anywhere. It prevents your data from incident loss. If your device is lost, or your device incidentally restored, you lost your whole data and now your device is completely washed out. It creates a great worry for you.
Your personal files, text formats, and project details are removed. Hence if you have previously created an online storage or cloud storage, it prevents you to lose your data. After such an incident you can easily download again your data from any place. Cloud storage gives you again the recovery option to recover your personal files, documents, and much more. So now you don’t need to worry about this step. Simply just create a free account for online storage and add it to your Microsoft Office Cloud Storage. Now you can enjoy it for an unlimited time. If you are not interested to get the paid subscription of Ms office then here are the best alternatives to MS Office.
So we can say that Microsoft Office easily provides you with facilitation. It is totally free of cost. You have not to pay even a single penny for this. It manages your account and data records easily. Above mentioned all the things show the importance of Microsoft Office. So let’s install it on your device and enjoy it for a long-term duration and save your time.