Netflix: Streaming Service Is Heading Towards the Gaming Industry!

The Gamepass of Xbox, Apple Arcade, maybe even Google Stadia – it is said that many providers from the video game industry are looking for and want to establish the “Netflix among games.” But Netflix itself is not idle and wants to try its hand at the gaming market.
Netflix plans to expand into the video game industry
If you think of Netflix’s typical competitors, you will end up with Amazon Prime Video and Disney +, possibly with YouTube or classic television. Netflix, on the other hand, sees its worst adversaries elsewhere, and that’s probably one of the reasons why you want to expand your program. Because when it comes to the time potential customers spend with Netflix’s offerings, the video game industry is a severe competitor to the streaming giant.
“We compete more with Fortnite (and lose) than with HBO “- according to CNBC, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings had already said in 2019. Now it turns out that it does not seem to want to leave it at that: According to a report by the news agency Reuters, Netflix intends to occupy a management position that is supposed to take over the expansion into the video game sector.
What exactly should come of this is not known. According to previous information, it amounts to a subscription service similar to Apple Arcade because there should not be advertising, according to Techradar. Earlier works in which Netflix is directly involved, such as the video game version of the hit series “Stranger Things,” would probably also end up there.
Will Netflix become a competitor for Microsoft, Sony, EA.?
According to Techradar, it is unlikely that Netflix will set out to develop big titles and prestigious high-end games – even if there was enough inspiration in their content. So Sony, Microsoft, and large game studios do not want to compete directly with them. Instead, one expects easily accessible games.
Netflix has officially confirmed that it recognizes customers’ interest in interactive content and will accordingly “do more with interactive entertainment.” A Netflix spokesman referred his colleagues at Techradar to interactive series and games on Stranger Things and All The Boys – in this case, a board game. So what exactly subscribers can expect in the future remains open. Most recently, Netflix tested more user interaction with the new N-Plus feature.