How to Increase YouTube Subscribers and Views

YouTube is a blessing to the internet generation. It is a forum where you can watch any type of video with any type of content. This platform is widely used everywhere in the world. YouTube is considered a better way of communication because a person can interact well by watching videos rather than reading articles. You can watch videos related to almost every field such as; music, comedy, dancing videos, movies motivational speeches, news, etc. You can say that everything is available on YouTube. As per the number of usages, the user’s number must be higher. All around the world, 2.3 billion users use Youtube. So, completing the demand of this huge population, there is a need for a large number of YouTubers.
There are different types of YouTubers, some of them want to reach a huge audience and some of them want to have a large number of subscribers. Some of them want to show their natural talent, and some of them want to increase subscribers just for increasing income. A Youtuber who wants to reach all over the world, must have two qualities. Either he should be talented enough to have a large fan following or he should use techniques to increase his subscribers.
Because a large number of subscribers and views can make you a lot of money. A novice Youtuber needs to have a minimum of one thousand subscribers to gain ad revenue. After it the more subscribers you have, the more chances of making a mint you will have. When you reach 1,00,000 subscribers you will get the benefit of production ads, and different awards. Getting more subscribers is not enough for making money, you will have to assure about the time of watching videos, the number of playing videos, and the engagement of the channel. All the necessary algorithm is kept in mind while valuing your channel’s income. Let’s discuss the major points that can help us increase our channel’s subscribers and views.
Best Ways to Increase YouTube Channel Subscribers and YouTube Video Views
Choose The Effective Stream
YouTube can reach a wide range of populations if it has the quality of attracting people. If the channel’s theme is mind-blowing then the number of subscribers can easily rise. The theme should be youth-oriented because there are a lot of young users of YouTube. Mostly music, movies, comedy, motivational speeches, traveling, cooking, technical information, etc fields are more popular on YouTube, and the YouTuber can easily get subscribers and views.
Choose Right Keywords
After selecting the genre of the channel, you need to give a proper keyword to the video. An effective keyword can make your video a trending video. Keywords suggest that a wide range of users are using the same words for a particular video. So if we use those words in giving titles, we can get many hits on those videos. We should keep in mind that keywords should be widely used and easy to use.
Video’s Quality
The most important fact is that can give you numerous subscribers without outer help. If your videos are of good quality you won’t have to focus on tools to increase views and subscribers. You should make videos of at least 10 minutes. It should be neither too little nor too long. You should ensure that the sound of the video is audible. It means a viewer should not bother to listen to what you want to say. Your video’s camera quality should be better. You can use different tools to sharpen your video’s quality. All the facts are important while making videos.
Regular Video Posting
You should be consistent in making videos. Because your daily engagement can gain the attention of subscribers. Your subscriber needs regular new videos from you so that they can be with you. A good YouTube channel should post an average of 15-20 videos per month. This number of videos can benefit you in competing in the market.
Focus on Quality, not on quantity
While making more videos to be consistent in the market you should not make irrelevant videos or poor-quality videos. If you go for maximum videos without caring for content quality, you can suffer a loss in your number of subscribers. So make a maximum video of good quality to get more subscribers.
Proper Thumbnails
A Youtube thumbnail is what a viewer sees in your video first. An image that shows your video’s content without opening the video. If you use proper thumbnails for your video, you can attract more viewers. While choosing thumbnails you can choose only the image of what you are going to discuss in the video. This means if you are talking about a mobile phone, then you can use the picture of that mobile as your thumbnail. You can also use the picture of you and that mobile together that will show who is making the video and what the topic is. Using these tricks you can make your video viral and can get a lot of subscribers and views.
Channel’s Branding
Branding your channel can also raise your number of subscribers. You can brand your channel in different ways. You can use the branding watermark of your channel. You should promote your channel on another YouTuber’s video. You can comment on famous YouTuber’s videos to subscribe to your channel. With these tricks, you can raise the number of subscribers.
Mind Blowing Profile
You should make your channel’s profile stunning so that the subscribers get affected and subscribe to your channel. Your profile must speak about the content of your video in a good manner way. You can make a collage of your videos’ pictures and can use it for your cover photo. If your b and channel icon are of good quality, viewers won’t have to suffer in subscribing to your channel.
Reply To Comments
A new YouTuber should read all the comments properly and should try to reply to almost every comment. If you reply to a comment that will increase interaction with your audience. There are a lot of praising comments and a lot of criticizing comments. You must give heart to all the commendable comments. It attracts your viewer’s mind and that increases your views.
Promote Your Another video
While playing a video you can also promote another video on your playlist. You can speak about that video at the end of the current video. This way you can talk about two videos in a single video. You can also give another video link in the description.
So there are a lot of tricks and techniques to increase your views and subscribers. It is up to you what techniques you would like to use.