Samsung Made Fun Of iPhone Once Again! Witness The Sarcasm!

Samsung can’t help it: The South Korean manufacturer made jokes about the iPhone again. The alleged camera weakness of the cult cell phone is targeted in new commercials. The criticism on the matter may be justified, but the question still arises: does it have to be, Samsung?
Comparative advertising often works according to the same principle: the “underdog” makes fun of the top dog and shows in sometimes more and sometimes less funny commercials how much better (and often cheaper) one’s own product is actually. That was the case with Pepsi’s attacks on Coca-Cola in the 1980s, and Apple also played this card in its now legendary “Get a Mac” campaign. With Samsung’s recent stitches against the iPhone, there are several problems.
Samsung Makes Fun Of The iPhone 12 Pro’s Camera Capabilities
In two commercials, the South Koreans compare the camera capabilities of the Galaxy S21 Ultra and iPhone 12 Pro. Unsurprisingly, the Galaxy wins, of course.
The two clips are undoubtedly well done, especially the zoom comparison with the cheese sandwich is very clear. And yet there remains a bad aftertaste in this comparison. Because:
- Samsung is not the “underdog”, but the undisputed market leader. From this position of strength, comparative advertising seems a bit embarrassing – even if Apple is the target of ridicule and thus also an industrial giant.
- Samsung’s smartphones are no longer cheaper than a comparable iPhone. Both the Galaxy S21 Ultra and the iPhone 12 Pro Max are anything but a bargain with a price tag (RRP) of at least $999.
- Headphone jack, screen notch, or missing power supply: Samsung has made fun of the iPhone very often in the past – only to copy it later. That is what the company’s PR department should have in mind before the iPhone has kidnapped again (no pun) in new commercials.
Smartphone Users Are Now Firmly Bound
And last but not least, it’s not even necessary! The market is big enough for Samsung and Apple, so you don’t have to attack the competition. Especially since the vast majority of smartphone users are now firmly bound. Anyone who has been using an iPhone for years will hardly switch to Android – and vice versa, just as little. You can really save on comparative advertising.