25 Most important and Useful WordPress Plugins for Bloggers and Business Sites?

WordPress offers the possibility of being extended: new functionalities, improvement, or correction of functionalities. This is made possible thanks to plugins. With this article, I suggest you discover more about these famous plugins: how to find them, install them, and configure them. here we discuss What does mean by WordPress Plugins and the Most Important WordPress and Useful Plugins.
Therefore, this article is mainly aimed at beginners and those who want to know a little more before starting.
How to Find or Search a Plugin?
The designers of WordPress have thought of everything: they have created the official directory of WordPress plugins. Most WordPress plugins are therefore available here.
Besides the description of the plugin and some other information, you will find some beneficial information:
- Age of the plugin: this is not necessarily a bad sign, but plugins that are too old should not be your preference.
- Rating of the plugin: each plugin can be rated from 1 to 5; the average, as well as the details of the ratings, are displayed. Favor well-rated plugins.
- Compatibility of the plugin with the versions of WordPress: not having information is not prohibitive, but if the plugin is an old plugin, it is better to be careful.
Some plugins are not available in this directory, designers only offer them on their site. Generally speaking, it’s best to avoid them unless the plugin designer is a prominent well-rated structure, like WooThemes. Of course, not all plugins outside the official directory present proven risks for your blog. But one of the interests of the official directory is the verification made on each plugin. Of course, it is not necessarily perfect.
How To Install A Plugin in WordPress Blog or Site?
There are three methods to install a plugin:
- by installing it from the official plugins directory;
- by installing it from your computer’s hard drive;
- by transferring it from your computer’s hard drive.
WordPress is an ergonomic tool: it offers screens dedicated explicitly to the first two methods. For the third method, you have to use an FTP transfer software, such as FileZilla.
Having not yet explained, on this blog, the FTP transfers to your blog, I would not say more. This will be updated later.
How To Update A Plugin?
The plugins may be updated for security, correction, or improvement reasons.
Again, with WordPress, it’s simple: you will be notified of the availability of a new version of a plugin directly in the WordPress administration interface. The matter will be settled in just a few clicks. We have listed 25 plugins you should have on your WordPress site:
Best Necessary and very Useful 25 WordPress Plugins for Every WordPress Blog and Website
Protect Your Admin
Protect Your Admin is a WordPress extension that allows you to change the access address to your administrator area. This is a capital element to take into account for the security of your WordPress! When you install WordPress, your default address to access your dashboard is mysite.com/wp-admin.
Changing the part of the URL, right after your WordPress domain name, is the first thing to do to prevent a hack. This WordPress plugin is very intuitive and easy to use. I highly recommend her!
WordFence Security
WordFence is a complete security solution for WordPress. This extension makes it possible to set up a firewall with a blocking system. It identifies and blocks malicious traffic. It also includes a malware scanner, which is designed to protect your WordPress permanently. This scan blocks requests containing harmful content.
Sucuri is the most successful security solution in terms of security. It is a perfect mix of the two previous ones. The only problem, the Premium version of this WordPress plugin is quite expensive. This extension activates a few more advanced security modes. It can detect something malicious in your code and restore your WordPress to an original version. Sucuri’s security system is compelling. The legend even goes that he could block an attack from Chuck Norris!
We start with UpdraftPlus, which is the most popular backup extension! Backing up your files is critical, so don’t take any risks at this level. With UpdraftPlus, you have the one-click option to take a complete backup of your files and database to the cloud while also quickly restoring them.
You can access this backup from the UpdraftPlus tab, which will appear, once installed, in the section at the top of your WordPress or the “Settings” section. You can directly back up your items to Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3 (or compatible), UpdraftVault, Cloud Rackspace, DreamObjects, FTP, Openstack Swift, and email, and so on.
Yoast SEO
Yoast SEO is the essential solution for natural referencing (SEO). There are currently over 25,000 reviews and over 1 million installs! The plugin is updated very regularly. This extension is ideal for improving the structure and content of your site. Once installed on your WordPress, I advise you to activate the “full” mode to benefit from all the options. To do this, click on “SEO” in the left column.
A great alternative to Yoast SEO. And guess what? Very famous in the French SEO ecosystem, this makes this SEOPress an excellent reference.
WP Backlinks
WP Backlinks will identify all of your different backlinks, that is, links from other sites that direct to yours. It allows you to monitor old and new backlinks from your dashboard in your WordPress back office.
Ad Inserter
Ad Inserter is a very important plugin and it is To add advertising space to your site to monetize it. It is helping you to run advertisements on your website or Blog.
All in one SEO
This WordPress plugin is one of the best extensions for natural referencing. It’sIt’s an excellent alternative to Yoast SEO. All in one, SEO and Yoast are the most popular WordPress plugins in terms of SEO. They both offer all the features you need to optimize your site. Unlike Yoast, All in One SEO offers all of its parameters on one single page. Some users may find this approach simpler and faster than on Yoast SEO which has several sections.
WP Rocket
WP Rocket is an essential WordPress plugin, especially for optimizing your site page speed for natural referencing. It will allow you to do what is called “caching.” What you have to remember is that this will significantly reduce the loading time of your site. To the delight of your users, Google, and therefore yours. For the curious, Google is your best friend.
Child Theme Configurator
Child Theme Configurator is the WordPress Plugin to find and analyze the common issues in any theme you are using to run your website or blog and it is to create a “child” theme very simply.
Imagify allows you to optimize the size of your images by compressing them, to improve the loading speed of your site. It benefits from three levels of compression: Normal, Aggressive, and Ultra. You can choose the images you want to optimize or let the plugin work on its own. This is equipped with a so-called “global optimization” function. So if you are not happy with the quality, you can restore and recompress your images with just one click to a level that better suits your needs.
The free version of this WordPress plugin is limited to a quota of 25MB of images (approximately 250 images) per month. If you create a lot of content, I advise you to upgrade to the paid version.
WP Google My Business Auto Publish
WP Google My Business Auto Publish use To publish directly to Google My Business. you can publish your post and if you’re updating something then you can publish that post to direct Google My Business.
Smush is Imagify’s friend. It allows you to resize, optimize and compress all your images 100% for free! These users highly rated Smush and have already been named number one by WordPress for speed and quality. I recommend this handy tool! here you know more about Best Speed Optimization WordPress Plugins.
WooCommerce & Stripe
Stripe is a platform for monetizing your WordPress site by authorizing payments by credit card. This one works with the WooCommerce plugin. It is the best e-commerce platform on WordPress. With it, you can do EVERYTHING!
MonsterInsight is the best WP Plugin for Google Analytics. It means MonsterInsight connects your website and blog and sets up the analytics in just a few clicks. MonsterInsight is a google analytics plugin.
Ninja Forms
Ninja Forms is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to create forms. Concretely, a form or “form” on a website allows a company to retrieve the contact details of its visitors to obtain information.
Bookly is a booking calendar creation and management plugin. This WordPress extension saves precious time for those who use it. No technical skills are required to set up a Bookly calendar on your WordPress.
Mistape WP Plugin
Mistape WordPress Plugin Lets you about any kind of writing errors of your Posts and Pages. You can us this WordPress Plugin to allow Internet users to notify you of a spelling error.
To facilitate the technical optimization of your site. Autoptimize is a fast caching tool for WordPress users. It is helping and optimizes pages to reduce the loading speed of any pages.
We start with SUMO, which is a plugin for collecting emails online. It allows you to capture leads thanks to an email address capture system made up of different components:
- List Builder (email capture pop-up that appears after a certain amount of time or when the tool thinks your visitor is about to exit your site)
- Bright bar (capture of emails via a bar at the top of the site)
- Scroll box (once the reader has finished reading one of your articles or a good part of it, a registration box is set up).
Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode
Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode is one of the Most Important plugins that allows you to your website visitors that you are finding better results or something better for them. To quickly create a waiting page on your site when you are in dev.
The Disqus plugin allows Internet users to comment on your articles. Comments appear just below your posts, in chronological form (from most recent to oldest).
FactWP is a WordPress Plugin for Filtering results according to you. FactWP put a search engine on your WordPress or Woo-commerce site.
Live Chat with Facebook Messenger
I recently discovered this handy plugin. Live Chat allows you to create a chatbot for Facebook Messenger! It offers a permanent chat history and a bunch of other advantageous features:
- No need to code and fully customizable
- Possible to integrate it with more than 20 mailing tools (Mailchimp, Hubspot )
- Countdown
- Custom images